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Bio BB's not so Bio

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Re: Bio BB's not so Bio

Post2014-12-02 / 18:42 UTC GMT +00:00

One of ours had a few bags of Bastards start to breakdown. He had removed the desiccant pack and somehow got moisture in the bag. The next year when he dug out his gear, the BBs were sticking together in the bags.

On a side note; for years we used styrene BBs on our field as bio weren't readily available until much later. There are millions of BBs out there on the prairie where we played, finding them isn't hard. We noticed that in most areas we never even saw them, even after years of playing, so we decided to do some digging. There were in fact BBs everywhere, but most got pushed into the ground or they dried out and cracked into nothingness. I saw styrene rounds at all different stages of breaking down. Perhaps the temperatures of the region had something to do with it, or even the dry air, but styrene rounds do start to decompose. Also, one day our team captain's wife found a BB in their child's diaper. As you can Imagine she wasn't impressed, but the BB was in perfect shape. I believe it was a Metaltek, but it's so long ago I can't be sure. So the human digestive system didn't even put a dent in it.
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Re: Bio BB's not so Bio

Post2014-12-03 / 01:16 UTC GMT +00:00

Yes, even pure styrene will crush to microplastic particles. Those microplastics are the ones that get inside animal cells when fish or birds eat stuff with the particles on them.
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