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RVW: SRC M4 RIS (gen 3)

PostPosted: 2013-10-07 / 07:46 UTC GMT +00:00
by Tjfast
Picked up this full metal AEG a few days ago, and the first impression I got was what I hoped for.....awesome 8-)

Running this AEG on an 11.1 lipo was just the icing on the cake. However the hop-up seemed to be a POS so I threw in a CA hop up and it is much better.

I'm not going to ramble on about it; Its a standard full metal m4 with a nicely built gearbox that handles an 11.1 lipo with ease shooting roughly 400 fps out of the box (plan on lowering that to 350 or less)

EDIT: I forgot to mention, I didn't buy it threw pocomilitary, I acquired this aeg through a trade.